1 Day Wonderful Batam - Nemo Island Hopping Tour Package
From $68 SGD
NOTE: This package is no longer available. Click here for similar packages. | |
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DAY 1 |
Depart from Singapore Harbor front Centre, Counter #03-43, Penguin Ferry Service. Upon arrive at Sekupang pier, after immigration / custom clearance, you will be greeted by our friendly tour guide and escorted to awaiting air-conditioned bus and and transfer to Local pier, from there, your journey being continued by taking a boat.
> Batam – Nemo Island can be reached within 15 minutes. Upon arrive at the island, you will be shown an houses of the community at this big village standing on the seashore, and even many of them stick out into the sea. You will be greeted by awaiting trishaw and riding you to the atmosphere of the island, far from the tumultuousness of industry activities, noisiness caused by the mufflers of vehicles and the air pollution caused by the factories. You will be riding to pass by and visit those historical places such as Attaqwa Mosque, graves of ex-japanese army, Batu Gajah Ex-building of Navy, Gasing Factory, from here you will find the how to spinning gasing and also their history, traditional kueh tea/coffee break will be entertain by local villager, thereafter, the journey will continued again by riding trishaw and proceed to visit Pasir Putih Beach and lastly our journey will end up at Pasar Baru Flooting Market, from here you will be giving 30 minutes to recce your own to explore that flooting market, the varieties of community occupy the island makes this big village has so many foods. You can have during your visit here, but the special foods and always tasted by visitors are nasi lemak, mie siam, pulut serondeng, epok-epok, es cendol, es gunung and kerepek as well. Come at later afternoon, assemble and return to Batam by taking a boat. > Lunch will be serve at Sunda Sawargi Indonesia Restaurant. After lunch, tour will continue to visit Kek Nanas Factory, Be Superheroes Gallery, Batam Chocolate House, Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Temple, Alun-alun Engku Putri for group photo taking, Cultural Show, Kueh Lapis Factory, Local Dry Market, Golden Beach for optional Go Kart & Paintball, Belalang Adventure Park for Optional Paintball, Archery, Flying Fox or Air Gun, Golden Factory Outlets, Polo Outlets and lastly drop off at Mega Mall Batam Centre (MMBC) for your last stop shopping. > Depart by high speed ferry to Singapore. 集合于港湾码头(HARBOUR FRONT CENTRE )柜台#03 43 企鹅渡轮(PENGUIN FERRY SERVICES )取船票。抵达巴谈岛,将由导游迎接各位,开始一天的行程。首先将带各位去参观尼摩岛(是一个非常原始的小岛,岛上无巴士川行,主要交通工具(三轮车)工业稀少,岛民一般上都居住在海上高脚屋,浓厚的乡村气息及清新的空气让人感觉到似乎回到了五十年代的新加坡). 大约15分钟抵达尼摩岛码头,每人将各乘一辆三轮车游览岛上古迹:首先来到大伯公庙,1972年由新加坡商人出资建成;团友们可以在此参拜祈福平安。当地出名的 陀螺工厂,观赏陀螺表演并品尝当地小吃及饮料还可学习怎样转陀螺。途经红树林,来到土著居住的白沙埔海滩, 欣赏大自然风景、自费购买及品尝当地新鲜椰子水.日本海军部:1942~1945年日本的海军指挥部,提醒大家别忘了在此地拍照留念. 最后来到 浮脚市场,自由选购当地著名的木薯片、虾饼、海鲜干粮、新鲜水果等等。午餐将安排在当地印尼餐厅。过后将带各位前往 鳯梨酥工厂, BE SUPERHEROES 专卖店, 巧克力房专卖店, 天恩弥勒佛院, 特异功能秀(如下雨表演将取消), 千乘糕工厂, 干料市场, 金海湾, BATIK专卖店 , 名牌用品专卖店, POLO 专卖店 以及MEGA MALL购物中心,让各位自由购物。之后将是各位回返新加坡的时侯了。岛游将会送各位到码头乘搭渡轮回新加坡. |
Agency: C&E Holidays