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Travel Package
Price From
Philippines Activity from Viator
See�the places locals frequent and understand why living in this city is a blessing in itself....
(Viator - Activity - Tours & Sightseeing)
$14 USD
Puerto Princesa City Tour
From $14 USD – 1 day activity
See�the places locals frequent and understand why living in this city is a blessing in itself. The tour will take you to eight locations, namely: Plaza Cuartel, Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Baylwalk, Crocodile Farm, Rancho Sta. Monica, Baker's Hill, Pasalubong Center and Binuatan Creations Weaving Center. Enjoy a local favorite, hopia, a pastry with different fillings! You'll also be able to see a beautiful view of the City at one of its highest points.

The price of the tour includes entrance fees for all destination, light snacks, service of a professional tour guide and your van transfers.
Tour Code: 27887P4
Agency: Viator
This travel package information – including the content and photos – belongs to Viator. ETRAVEL CONNECT is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the information.